Gran Vitreous First Content Update

The first content update for Gran Vitreous releases tomorrow (06/11). The update will add 6 New Weapons, a new post campaign Heroic Mode, and Legendary Items.


6 New Weapons:

2 New Main weapons: 
-Tesla Chain: A chain of electric energy. On hitting an enemy nearby enemies are hit with chain lightning damage. 
-Magnetron Beam: Wide beam of energy that shakes apart enemies in close range. 

2 New Secondary weapons: 
-Decoy Ship: Launch a holographic clone of your ship to distract enemies and damage those that get close enough. 
-Missile Platform: Deploy a short lived, fast firing homing missile launcher. 

2 New Super weapons. 
-Black Hole Bomb: Pulls in surrounding enemies then detonates creating a large explosion 
-Bouncing Barrage: Launches a wave of bouncing bombs 360 degrees around the ship causing explosions across the whole zone. 

New Heroic Mode:

Heroic mode allows you to keep playing and advancing beyond the games final boss. Heroic mode has 4 tiers to progress through as you find better gear. Legendary items only drop in this mode which are necessary to keep progressing. All areas are set to the same level range based on the Heroic tier setting but later areas have higher legendary drop rates to reward players who fight through the tougher zone types. 

New Legendary Item Rarity:

Legendary items are rarer more powerful items available in Heroic Mode. Legendary items can't be altered in the engineering station which will make it necessary to actually find better items in order to progress through the Heroic tiers.

Gran Vitreous Greenlight Progress Report 2

We're just about finished with the polishing phase for Gran Vitreous. By the end of this week we'll move onto Steam integration to add all the Steam features you'd expect. Here's a sample of some of the things we've added leading up to release.

  • New endless mode. Compete on the leaderboards to get the highest score in an endless zone. Dangers such as Asteroids, Gravity Wells, Space Garbage and more enter the zone randomly to challenge your survival. Gear is assigned randomly and a new set of gear is refreshed on your ship every 60 seconds so you have to adjust your play style to keep going.
  • New snake enemy. We've added a new enemy the Snake which moves around the zone in circular patterns testing your ability to maneuver around them.
  • New lighting additions. We've taken advantage of the new lighting system mentioned in the previous update and given the larger enemies new lighting features.
  • Rebalanced bosses. Bosses have been given another pass to make sure the challenge is up to the expectations of an area finale. Weaker versions of previous area bosses will now also come up randomly in later areas.
  • Redone store. The store has been redone to include items effective for your ships current level and also random rarer one time purchase items that swap out with time. Engineering an item to change its stats has also been given a slot machine style animation.

Gran Vitreous Greenlight Progress Report 1

Since getting Greenlit we've been working hard getting the game polished up and ready for Steam. We've revamped the lighting system to give the game a better look, gave the UI and sounds another pass fixing anything that felt out of place or wasn't quite good enough, and added a couple of small gameplay tweaks to make the game more fun and add a little more depth.

Here's an overview of a few of the things we've changed/added in the past few weeks.

  • New lighting system. Additive blending gives the particles of the game a glowing feeling and makes objects light and color whats around them
  • New particle features. Particles now react to the ships movement. Create wakes through particle fields when passing through them
  • Charge shot. Absorb the particles of dead enemies and fire out 2 levels of larger more powerful shots based on the amount absorbed
  • UI elements and fonts replaced to match the games style better
  • Added new animated 3d asteroids for the asteroid field zones
  • New burst effect and sound on shield loss, a new look for the cutscenes, faint star field for distant stars to improve the background, new end of zone summary, better death effects for large boss type enemies, new station mega-laser attachement, and a bunch of other things too many to list here.

We're waiting until we've added every feature we think will improve the game and polished everything as much as we can. We're working hard to get the game up and available on Steam as soon as possible but we're taking the time to make sure we deliver the best possible game.